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2018 Child Advocacy Conference

April 16, 2018 - April 17, 2018


Michigan Chapter of the National Children’s Alliance
2018 Child Advocacy Conference
Registration Now Open!

MINCA’s Child Advocacy Conference is hosted every year for child advocacy center (CAC) staff and multi-disciplinary team (MDT) professionals – forensic interviewers, law enforcement, child protection, prosecution, medical professionals, mental health providers, and victim advocates – who work daily to improve the coordinated community response to child abuse.

This 2-day event features nearly 20 nationally and locally recognized speakers, 2 keynote presentations, and 24 workshops on various topics pertaining to the investigation and prosecution of child abuse cases, intervention and prevention services for children and their families, and innovation in the CAC model.

Other professionals not affiliated with a CAC or MDT are also welcome to attend.


April 16, 2018
April 17, 2018
Event Category:


Grand Traverse Resort
100 Grand Traverse Resort Village Blvd
Williamsburg, MI 49690 United States
+ Google Map
(231) 534-6000
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